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Have I Been Pwned

The site that tells you if you were hacked has partnered with the FBI

May 31st, 2021

With major hacks and data breaches happening almost daily, protecting your online accounts and passwords is as important as ever. You should use strong, unique passwords for each online account you operate and use on a password management app to keep track of them all. You should occasionally change passwords, especially those you share with …

Cybersecurity news

The FBI is hacking hundreds of computers in the US, but for a good reason

April 14th, 2021

A little more than a month after Microsoft disclosed a bombshell piece of cybersecurity industry news — an attack on Microsoft Exchange servers, whereby state-sponsored hackers from China were chaining together attacks on four vulnerabilities in Microsoft’s email cloud service in order to steal data — the US government just shared a pretty incredible piece …

iPhone 11 Encryption

The FBI needed two months to hack Lev Parnas’ iPhone 11

January 22nd, 2020

The Pensacola shooting resurfaced an old squabble over encryption between the FBI and Apple, with US Attorney General William Barr and President Donald Trump taking official stances against Apple, urging the company to unlock the iPhones belonging to suspects in criminal investigations. Ironically, the FBI is actually quite good at unlocking encrypted phones without Apple’s …

iPhone iCloud Backup

Reuters: Apple abandoned full iCloud encryption after FBI complaint

January 21st, 2020

While Apple can’t unlock an end-to-end encrypted iPhone for the police, the company can access iCloud data and share it with law enforcement. That’s because Apple also holds the keys to iCloud backups. But Apple planned a few years ago to let users fully encrypt iCloud backups, but the feature was never released. A new …