Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness is the most anticipated Marvel movie of the year, with cameo rumors indicating that Marvel might deliver several big surprises to fans of the MCU. But let’s not forget that the next MCU movie to premiere after that is Thor: Love and Thunder, a movie that many fans can’t wait to watch. While we don’t have anywhere as many Love and Thunder leaks, there is a new development that Thor fans should be aware of: Marvel is already promoting the official toys for the movie.
Marvel promoting merchandising for its next big superhero movie is expected. But what’s exciting about these Love and Thunder toys is that they deliver a few spoilers for the film. If you hate spoilers, then stop reading right here.
Before we look at the Love and Thunder toys, let’s remember where we are in the MCU when it comes to the Thor characters.
We don’t know much about Thor: Love and Thunder compared to other MCU Phase 4 movies. After Avengers: Endgame, Thor (Chris Hemsworth) left with the Guardians of the Galaxy, some of whom should appear in Love and Thunder.
We also know that Natalie Portman will return as Jane Foster, and she will become a version of Thor in this movie. Separately, Christian Bale will play the villain, Gorr the God Butcher, which is an exciting prospect for the entire MCU.
Finally, the film should deliver a few fun cameos, in addition to the regular Thor characters you expect. That includes Matt Damon, Chris Hemsworth, Melissa McCarthy, and Russel Crowe, if rumors pan out.
Separately, we are aware of some Love and Thunder plot leaks. But we have no way of verifying any of the claims.
The official Thor: Love and Thunder toys
Marvel recently posted details about the first Love and Thunder toys. We’re looking at a Lego set and a few Hasbro figurines.
As I said before, the toys often offer a few spoilers, although they won’t ruin the plot. Instead, they may give us a few answers to some of our early questions about the new movie.

First of all, the Love and Thunder Hasbro toys deliver three additions to the Titan Hero Series: Thor, Mighty Thor, and Korg. The most exciting one concerns Mighty Thor, which is Jane’s version of the character. The figurine gives us a look at her battle uniform, including the Mjolnir.
Hasbro also has a new Mjolnir hammer out for roleplay games. What’s interesting about this Love and Thunder toy is that it confirms that Thor will somehow fix the Mjolnir.
This isn’t the hammer that we saw Captain America (Chris Evans) pick up in Endgame. Cap took that hammer back to its original universe. This is the Mjolnir from the main MCU timeline, which was destroyed in Ragnarok.

The cracks are clearly visible in Mjolnir. But more interestingly, the cracks seem to sparkle when Mighty Thor holds the hammer.
Then again, Jane will become the Goddess of Thunder, and she’ll wield the weapon just like Thor did. And the toy lets you use two different color options to illuminate those cracks. All you have to do is press a button.
The Lego set

As for the first Love and Thunder toys from Lego, we’re looking at The Goat Boat set. As you can see on the box, we again see uniforms for Thor and Mighty Thor, and a confirmation that Mjolnir has been patched up somehow.
Also exciting is the inclusion of a certain minifig. That’s Gorr the God Butcher, of course, whose uniform is available in the Lego set.

Thor: Love and Thunder hits theaters on July 8th, but the toy sets above will be available in stores soon.