The hunt for proof of extraterrestrial life has been a long one. While scientists believe that there is alien life out there, proving that it actually exists has been another problem altogether. Now, though, China may have stumbled upon new evidence.
China says it may have found proof of extraterrestrial life

The initial report was made by the state-backed paper, Science and Technology Daily and posited China may have discovered proof of alien life. As of this article’s publishing, China hasn’t released any details surrounding why the article was pulled. (via Time) According to that original report, though, China’s Sky eye detected suspicious signals in 2020, along with a new signal this year.
The 500-meter, single-dish telescope launched a mission to search for extraterrestrial life in September of 2020. The most recent signal appeared in observational data from exoplanet targets, Zhang Tonjie, chief scientist of the search shared in the report. Zhang explained that the signals they discovered could have been from alien civilizations.
Sky Eye can detect low-frequency radio bands. As such, the telescope plays a vital role in the search for proof of extraterrestrial life. And, with the recent discovery of amino acids on asteroids, it seems even more likely that the building blocks of life may have sprouted up somewhere else in the universe.
China then deleted the report

As the official paper of China’s science and technology ministry, Science and Technology Daily is well regarded within the country. So, when this report came out, it began to trend on social media and other news sites quickly. Still, China decided to pull the report.
Finding proof of extraterrestrial life is a goal for many, China may have felt the need to pull the report based on other statements Zhang made within it. The signals could in fact be signs of alien life. Or, Zhang notes, the telescope could have picked up some radio interference. We’ll need to investigate the signals further to know for sure.
China may have pulled the report because it was inconclusive and incomplete. However, the data is already out there. As such, the report will hopefully make some kind of return in the future. If we’re lucky, we’ll get more data on the signals, too. If they do turn out to be proof of alien life, it opens the door for more questions and research.