Costco has an incredibly loyal fan base thanks to the membership-only retail chain’s abundance of sales and discounted items — in other words, because of the tremendous value to be found herein. There are blogs and websites, for example, dedicated solely to the chain and the comings and goings within its product assortment.
Social media accounts also tout the deals that shoppers can pounce on. Sometimes, the chain also makes other important changes worth knowing about. And one of those that we want to tell you about today relates to Costco’s hours of operation.
Change to Costco hours

It involves the special shopping hour that Costco instituted because of the Covid pandemic. Starting in March 2020, Costco set aside a special hour to give the people most at risk for a Covid infection, according to the CDC, time and space to do their shopping free from crowds. That hour is generally from 9 am to 10 am on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
This was intended for shoppers who included senior citizens, first responders, people with disabilities, and the immunocompromised. And Costco certainly wasn’t the only chain to implement such a policy after the onset of the pandemic. “Costco members who are healthcare workers (which includes pharmacists and all hospital employees with a hospital ID) and first responders (police officers, EMTs and firefighters) may enter the warehouse during Special Operating Hours, as well as regular operating hours,” is how the chain’s website has explained the policy.
“As of April 18, 2022, Costco will no longer be offering special shopping hours for members ages 60 or older, healthcare workers, and first responders.”
Members who do not wish to shop during regular hours, the chain adds, are welcome to visit That way, they can take care of their shopping needs online.
Can you get a 1 day pass for Costco?
One thing a non-Costco member might wonder: Is it possible to obtain a 1-day pass to shop at the store in order to get your hands on some of those sweet discounts?
Unfortunately, Costco doesn’t offer something like that. Meanwhile, here’s another important detail about the Covid-related aspects of the stores’ operations, including Costco hours.
Other Covid policies may remain in place
Even if your local store removes the special shopping hour, though? Don’t be surprised if other pandemic changes still remain in effect. For example, Costco will continue following local face mask guidelines. So it’s conceivable that you might still have to wear one inside your local store.
That said, an improving Covid picture in local markets around the country is certainly a good sign. And means we should continue to see changes like the special Costco hour going away as things slowly get back to normal.